Compliant to ISO 17024:2012

B. CCSD Professional Designated Credential Awards

B. CCSD Professional Designated Credential Awards

Mandatory Qualifying Total Cumulative CPCE Points for CCSD Professional Award

  • Tier Levels
  • Tier One
  • Tier Two
  • Tier Three
  • Tier Four
  • Tier Five
  • CCSD Award Granted (5 Tier Award Levels)
  • ❖ Certified _________ _________ Specialist
  • ❖ Certified _________ _________ Professional
  • ❖ Certified _________ _________ Expert
  • ❖ Certified _________ _________ Consultant
  • ★ Certified _________ _________ Eminence
  • Mandatory Qualifying CPCE Points
  • > 900 points
  • > 1200 points
  • > 1500 points
  • > 1800 points
  • > 2000 points

Mandatory Qualifying Total Cumulative CPCE Points for CCSD Professional Award

  • Tier Levels
  • Tier One
  • Tier Two
  • Tier Three
  • Tier Four
  • Tier Five
  • CCSD Award Granted (5 Tier Award Levels)
  • ❖ Certified _________ _________ Specialist
  • ❖ Certified _________ _________ Professional
  • ❖ Certified _________ _________ Expert
  • ❖ Certified _________ _________ Consultant
  • ★ Certified _________ _________ Eminence
  • Mandatory Qualifying Work Experience
  • > 5 years
  • > 9 years
  • > 12 years
  • > 16 years
  • > 20 years
  • As per the clarification provided under the announcement drop down titled – CCSD Professional Designated Credentialing, the CCSD Committee for Certification & Designated Credentialing will evaluate and assess all the documents submitted by the applicant in support of a Tier Level Award as specified above. The Committee will conclude and either approve or seek further clarification or request other supporting documents to enhance the eligibility to the CCSD awards granted. If and when an approval is concluded, the committee will identify the Tier level qualified and recommend one to three (1 – 3) CCSD Professional Designated Credential.

Examples of the CCSD Certification & Designated Credentialing Committee’s evaluation conclusions:


  • Cumulated CPCE Points achieved by Applicant: 1350 Points
  • Work Experience: 11 years (in one economic sector, 3 similar occupational division)
  • Tier Level Qualified is: Certified Professional
  • The formal education certificates submitted, the work experience of more than 9 years listed, all short term trainings completed and all events attended with certificate submitted as well as membership in the fraternity all point to one of the 144 different Economic Sectors (manufacturing) focused in 3 of the 133 Occupational Divisions (HR, Talent, Training). As all the experience is in a particular job scope, role and responsibility.
  • The Committee herein proposes:
    • Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP)
    • Certified Human Capital Professional (CHCP)
    • Certified Talent Management Professional (CTMP)

The applicant will be informed of this approval, proposal and onward actions towards their interest to be awarded with one of the CCSD designation and credential. It is at the onus of the applicant to proceed thereafter as advised .


  • Cumulated CPCE Points achieved by Applicant: 1900 Points
  • Work Experience: 17 years (in one economic sector, 2 similar occupational division)
  • Tier Level Qualified is: Certified Consultant
  • The formal education certificates submitted, the work experience of more than 16 years listed, all short term trainings completed and all events attended with certificate submitted, speaker and panelist at events substantiated with certificates, member in associations and fraternity attached – all point to one of the 144 different Economic Sectors (Finance) focused in 4 of the 133 Occupational Divisions (Accounting, Cost Control, Finance, Auditing). As all the experience is in a particular job scope, role and responsibility;
  • The Committee herein proposes:
    • Certified Financial Accounting Consultant (CFAC)
    • Certified Cost Accounting Consultant (CCAC)
    • Certified Financial Auditing Consultant (CFAC)
  • The applicant will be informed of this approval, proposal and onward actions towards their interest to be awarded with one of the proposed CCSD designation and credentials. It is at the onus of the applicant to proceed thereafter as advised.


  • Cumulated CPCE Points achieved by Applicant: 1680 Points
  • Work Experience: 8 years (in one economic sector, 2 similar occupational division)
  • Tier Level Qualified is:
    • Though the applicant in terms of cumulated points (1680) qualifies for Tier 3: Certified Expert, the mandatory work experience for Certified Expert must be > 16 years, therefore he does not qualify. The applicant has only 8 years, he only qualifies for Tier 1 (> 5 years) not event Tier 2 (> 9 years)
  • The formal education certificates submitted, the work experience of 8 years listed, numerous short term trainings completed and all events attended with certificate submitted, member in associations and fraternity attached – all point to one of the 144 different Economic Sectors (IT) focused in 1 of the 133 Occupational Divisions (Information Technology). However, failed to qualify as the applicant did not meet mandatory minimum work experience requirement.

The applicant will be informed of this rejection, the proposal given is Tier 1 Certified Specialist. The onward actions suggested towards their interest of the award is at the onus of the applicant to appeal, reject or agree to the Certified Specialist Award. Of Certified Information Technology Specialist (CITS).


  • Cumulated CPCE Points achieved by Applicant: 2600 Points
  • Work Experience: 31 years (in one economic sector, 2 similar occupational division)
  • Tier Level Qualified is: Certified Eminence
  • This is an exclusive CCSD Professional Designated Credential which the CCSD Committee for Certification and Credentialing is thorough and selective. All the certificates (formal education) the full work experience of more than 31 years listed, all short term trainings completed and all events attended with certificate submitted, speaker and panelist at events substantiated with certificates, member in associations and fraternity attached, training conducted, facilitated, moderated.awards bestowed, recognition received will be authenticated. – The applicant must be an authority of recognition in one of 144 different Economic Sectors and specialized in one of the 133 Occupational Divisions. The final decision to the Certified Eminence Award is at the total discretion of the committee who thereafter makes recommendation to the CCSD Board of Eminence to grant the Certified Eminence (in a particular field) Award to the applicant The Committee herein may propose (for example):
    • Certified Risk Management Eminence (CRME)
    • Certified Brand Protection Eminence (CBPE)
    • Certified Cyber Security Eminence (CCSE)
    • Certified Artificial Intelligence Eminence (CAIE)

The applicant will be informed of this approval, proposal and onward actions towards their interest to be awarded with the CCSD Certified Eminence in their field of expertise. It is at the onus of the applicant to proceed thereafter as advised for the acceptance of the award.

The examples above will provide the guidance to do the SELF ASSESSMENT as prescribed in drop down: D. Credential Eligibility Self Assessment Template). If and when an applicant has any uncertainty on the CPCE points cumulative process or doubt on the process, please do not hesitate to contact: [email protected].

Beyond the cumulative Total CPCE Points and Years of Work related Experience which the applicant self assesses to point to the CCSD Credential Tier Level, the CCSD Committee entrusted to recommend the granting of the award to CCSD Council has the final discretion and decision on the awarding of CPCE points for each category, total points calculation and recommendation of the specified award to the applicant.

Guidance Note

CCSD Professional Designated Credentialing

Please refer to the following 4 document concurrently to get a full perspective to the CCSD Professional Designated Credential;

These four (4) Documents mentioned herein below need to be referred to fully understand the recognition, granting of the CCSD Credential Awards, criteria for the assessment to the CCSD Awards, process to the cumulative of Continuous Professional Capacity Enhancement (CPCE) points, a guideline and clarification on how an applicant can secure the points to be awarded the CCSD Professional Designated Credential and a self assessment template that allows the applicant to self evaluate on which tier they qualify for, and finally thereafter, apply for the desired CCSD Professional Designated Credential Award according to the total CPCE points cumulated. The documents are:

A.CCSD Professional Designated Credentialing

This document provides a complete overview introduction on the CCSD Professional Designated Credential. It also outlines on how CCSD Council grants the Professional Designated Credentials the application process, clarification on the credentialing validation fee,, the areas assessed by the Committee for Certification and Credentialing and the final submission process for the consideration of the CCSD Professional Designated Credential

B. CCSD Professional Designated Credential Awards

This document herein explained above clarifies the two mandatory criteria two mandatory criteria: Mandatory Qualifying Total Cumulative CPCE Points for CCSD Professional Award and Mandatory Qualifying Work Experience (years) for CCSD Professional Award followed by four (4) clarified examples of CCSD Awards granted.

C. CCSD Designated Credential Self Assessment (Clarified)

This document provides a complete guideline on how an applicant can do a self-assessment and evaluate on which Tier Level of CCSD Professional Designated Credential Awards one qualifies. The eight (8) areas of assessment are fully explained and provided in a Table format for easy understanding on the CPCE points awarded as well as the CCSD Awards Cut-off Points, Validity and Credentialing Fee.

D. Credential Eligibility Self Assessment Template

This template is for the self assessment by the individual applicant towards identifying which CCSD Professional Designated Credential Tier the applicant qualifies for and what specialization they desire the credentialing to be in. Subsequent to the self-assessment, the applicant can use the completed template with the associated supporting documents for each criteria and send it to [email protected] for the official consideration towards the CCSD Professional Designated Credential Award.

For all enquiries related to professional designated credentialing, please contact the CCSD Officer in-charge via: [email protected] You will be guided accordingly on the process and documents that need to be sent for the final assessment and evaluation of your experience, consideration of CPCE points for the certificates of formal and continuous education you have completed, and the proposed professional designation and category based on the assessment.

    We focus on accreditation and certification of training programs, recognise continuous professional capacity enhancement by offering certified designated credentialing and consistently share strategic insights, new wave technologies and latest industrial development.


    Convergence Certification and Skill Development Council
    Belehradska 858/23 Prague 2, 120 00
    Czech Republic

    Munies Pillai - Secretary General

    [email protected]
    +6012 3242 885
    +65 8747 8735


    +420 257 325 117
    Working Hours - 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CET)


    [email protected]
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