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Acceptance Speech – Munies Pillai as Secretary General Designate

Acceptance Speech – Munies Pillai as Secretary General Designate

Mr. Munies Pillai as Secretary General Designate. Given in writing to the Board of Directors of the CCSD Council.

Honourable Chairman, Members of the Board of Directors, Board of Eminences, Ladies and Gentlemen from the fraternity of the CCSD Council.

Today, I stand before you, pen in hand, to express the deepest honour and gratitude that fills my heart as I accept the momentous appointment as the Secretary-General Designate of the CCSD Council. This is a significant milestone in my professional journey, and the magnitude of this achievement cannot be adequately conveyed in mere words.

As I hold this appointment close to my heart, I am overcome with a vibrant sense of purpose and an unwavering commitment to serve this esteemed organization. The trust and confidence you have bestowed upon me fill me with humility and drive me to fulfill the responsibilities and aspirations that accompany this esteemed position.

When I first learned that the CCSD Council was considering me for the role of Secretary-General, a wave of disbelief, mixed with overwhelming honour, took over me. I am grateful to the CCSD Council for upholding the values of transparency and openness throughout the selection process. Though I may not be aware of the identities of the other competent and knowledgeable candidates who stood beside me during the process of the interview due to privacy and confidentiality, I extend my gratitude to them for their presence.

Informed of this appointment, a surge of emotions enveloped me – acknowledgment for the blessings I have received with humility, gratitude, and thankfulness. I embarked on the path in front of me, aligned with the vision, mission, and aspirations of the CCSD Council, with a singular focus on the agenda prescribed by the Board of Directors during the briefing before I was appointed Secretary-General. I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation to the Council for entrusting me with this extraordinary opportunity to lead the organization into a new era of growth and development.

To my predecessors, I humbly acknowledge the significant contributions and accomplishments you have me subscribed to and paved the way for the success of the CCSD Council. With great reverence, I embrace this role, recognizing the legacy I am about to inherit and the responsibility to build upon it. I am grateful to all of you who have walked this path before me, for you have made the journey ahead smoother. 

The CCSD Council stands as a beacon of excellence among certification bodies, and I am dedicated to upholding its esteemed reputation and advancing its mission. As Secretary-General, I will embody the values of integrity, transparency, and ethical practices that form the cornerstone of the CCSD Council’s governance. I pledge to champion the highest standards of professionalism and foster an environment of inclusivity, collaboration, and innovation.

The role of the Secretary-General encompasses a diverse range of functions, and I fully grasp the weight and magnitude of these responsibilities. As the Chief Liaison Officer, I will cultivate effective communication and forge fruitful partnerships across the globe, elevating the international presence and impact of the CCSD Council. As a diplomat and ambassador, I will wholeheartedly represent the organization and promote its mission to enhance recognition, outreach, and excellence in every aspect of our engagement. As the Executive Director and Chief Engagement Officer, I will diligently guide the CCSD Council toward greater achievements, continuously seeking innovative approaches, strategic growth, and meaningful impact. I recognize the importance of balancing the interests of the Board of Directors and the Board of Eminence with the overarching goals of the organization, always guided by the principles of good governance and the pursuit of excellence.

In accepting this esteemed role, I embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. I am humbled by the trust and confidence you have placed in me, and I assure you that I will devote myself wholeheartedly to this endeavour. Together with the dedicated team at the CCSD Council, whom I eagerly anticipate getting to know and work with, we will drive positive changes, shape industry standards, and contribute to the global and international development of the CCSD Council.

I must acknowledge that I do not possess a magical formula for instant success, nor do I possess the power to single-handedly propel the CCSD Council to greater heights. However, entrusted with this esteemed position, I pledge to bring unwavering determination and a steadfast commitment to the principles that have guided me throughout my prior professional journey. As my goal now is to contribute to the betterment of everyone associated, let us embark on this transformative journey together, united in our allegiance to realizing the vision, mission, and aspirations of the CCSD Council.

In conclusion, today I stand before you with profound gratitude, deep humility, and an unwavering sense of purpose. As Secretary-General of the CCSD Council, I pledge to serve with unwavering passion, integrity, and an unyielding commitment to the betterment of the organization. Invigorated by the belief that our collective efforts will shape a brighter future for generations to come, I embark on this journey with unwavering passion and boundless enthusiasm. I eagerly await the extraordinary journey that lies ahead of me.

Above all, I am profoundly grateful to the CCSD Council for entrusting me with the opportunity to serve as Secretary-General. Thank you for this tremendous honour. Lastly, I aspire to set an exemplary example for my son, Arvenesh, and daughter, Shashankhaa, so they may look upon my achievements with pride. I hope that my wife, Sithra, will be immensely proud of accompanying me throughout this final stretch of my professional journey before my retirement. When the time comes and my tenure with the CCSD Council concludes, I wish to reflect upon the journey I will have traversed, leaving behind a remarkable legacy for the next Secretary-General and generation to build upon.

Thank you all once again for your unwavering support and trust.

May God bless everyone.

    We focus on accreditation and certification of training programs, recognise continuous professional capacity enhancement by offering certified designated credentialing and consistently share strategic insights, new wave technologies and latest industrial development.


    Convergence Certification and Skill Development Council
    Belehradska 858/23 Prague 2, 120 00
    Czech Republic

    Munies Pillai - Secretary General
    +6012 3242 885
    +65 8747 8735


    +420 257 325 117
    Working Hours - 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CET)

