The tables below provide a guideline on how you can do a self-assessment and evaluate yourself use on which Tier Level of CCSD Professional Designated Credential Awards you qualify. Tabulate the CPCE Points and the CPCE Points as guided and you will come to a sum total (though not final) enough to place yourself to the Tier category you most prefer, based on your calculation and years of work experience.
Thereafter the applicant can attach/upload in an email and submit as per the instruction provided under the announcement drop down titled – CCSD Professional Designated Credentialing. The email ID for this processing is: pdccert[email protected]
There is no processing fee for the evaluation and assessment by the CCSD Committee for Certification and Credentialing as it is a CCSD membership privilege. Irrespective of the number of times the applicant submits documents for consideration, the application process is FREE as long as the applicant is a CCSD Council member.
You may consider one or accrue as many as you have of the above formal education certificates for your self assessment and thereafter for submission for the actual evaluation to CCSD Council.
Every extra year of experience above 30 years is 1500 + (50 CPCE points x No. years of work experience) for your cumulative self assessment calculation exercise and thereafter for submission for the actual evaluation to CCSD Council.
Certificate of Attendance, Certificate of Completion or Certificate of Competency of any and all short term training attended by the applicant (online or face to face) within the last 3 years can be used for your cumulative self assessment calculation and thereafter for submission for the actual evaluation to CCSD Council.
- This can be public or in-house short term training programs or courses
- For every additional day CPCE points calculation will be:
- Days x 30 CPCE points for CCSD Accredited Training Program
- Days x 15 CPCE points for non-CCSD Accredited Training Program
The events can be seminars, symposiums, conventions, summits, conferences, congress, forums, dialogue, conclaves colloquiums, and profession or fraternity related events wherein a certificate of attendance was issued by the organizer / host and attended (online or face to face) by the applicant within the last 3 years can be used for your cumulative self assessment and thereafter for submission for the actual evaluation to CCSD Council.
- It can be a public or in-house event.
- For every additional day CPCE points calculation will be:
- Days x 50 CPCE points for CCSD Accredited Event
- Days x 30 CPCE points for non-CCSD Accredited Event
The events can be similar as Table 4 wherein a certificate or plaque of recognition, appreciation or acknowledgement was issued by the organizer / host to the applicant within the last 3 years can be used for your cumulative self assessment and thereafter for submission for the actual evaluation to CCSD Council.
For every additional engagement, CPCE points calculation will be:
- Per slot x 100 CPCE points for CCSD Accredited Event
- Per slot x 60 CPCE points for non-CCSD Accredited Event
Any professional membership or practicing license valid for more than 3 years other than lifetime membership or one time license will not be considered other than that stipulated above.
Articles (minimum 3 pages without photos) and/or books (minimum 80 pages) written by the applicant and published online or hardcopy or appeared in magazines, newsletters, forums and journals or in any other formal or form of publication and release for public reading by the applicant within the last 3 years can be used for your cumulative self assessment nd thereafter for submission for the actual evaluation to CCSD Council.
For every article published as shown above, the CPCE points calculation will be:
- No of Articles x 100 CPCE points
For every book published as shown above, the CPCE points calculation will be:
- No of Books x 500 CPCE Points
Any extra days of training crafted and conducted by the applicant – No of days x 200 CPCE points. A training brochure with the trainer profile must be included as evidence.
Any other document which the applicant considers would support towards the assessment and granting of the awards by the CCSD Committee for Certification and Credentialing can be used by the applicant for the CCSD Professional Designation Credential eligibility calculation. The actual CPCE points awarded to such consideration is at the discretion of the Committee when the applicant submits the official application for the CCSD Professional Designated Credential
Upon completion of your Eligibility Self Assessment, your total cumulative CPCE points is indicative of the CCSD Professional Designated Credential Tier. You can now submit your official application to the CCSD Council for the desired Award. When you receive the approval letter from CCSD, the award credential will be advised, you will be guided towards the certification validity fee payment gateway to do the necessary. The fees are as following:
Upon confirmation of payment and within 14 days, you will receive an Official CCSD Professional Designated Credential which is downloadable or using the membership privilege the applicant can request for a hardcopy of the original certificate at a discounted price. This is verifiable with CCSD Council by making reference to the Certificate No.
Beyond the cumulative Total CPCE Points and Years of Work related Experience which the applicant self assesses to point to the CCSD Credential Tier Level, the CCSD Committee entrusted to recommend the granting of the award to CCSD Council has the final discretion and decision on the awarding of CPCE points for each category, total points calculation and recommendation of the specified award to the applicant.
The categories or consideration and the level of CPCE points as well as the qualifying CPCE points par for each of these awards has been determined and at the exclusive rights and privilege of CCSD Committee for Certification Credentialing and endorsed by the CCSD Board of Eminence. The directive towards consistency in the evaluation process and granting of approval to the CCSD Designated Credential Award to the CCSD Committee for Certification and Credentialing is the complete independent autonomy and discretion of the CCSD Board of Eminence.
Please refer to the following 4 document concurrently to get a full perspective to the CCSD Professional Designated Credential;
These four (4) Documents mentioned herein below need to be referred to fully understand the recognition, granting of the CCSD Credential Awards, criteria for the assessment to the CCSD Awards, process to the cumulative of Continuous Professional Capacity Enhancement (CPCE) points, a guideline and clarification on how an applicant can secure the points to be awarded the CCSD Professional Designated Credential and a self assessment template that allows the applicant to self evaluate on which tier they qualify for, and finally thereafter, apply for the desired CCSD Professional Designated Credential Award according to the total CPCE points cumulated. The documents are: