Compliant to ISO 17024:2012

D. Credential Eligibility Self Assessment Template

Do it yourself: The calculation that an applicant tabulates and the total score that is cumulate towards identifying a CCSD Award Tier can be send in for the CCSD Professional Designated Credential together with all your supporting documents to The CCSD Committee for Certification and Credentialing have their own evaluation process and discretion towards the granting of CPCE points based on the applicant’s submission. Their consideration, though strict, is up and above what the applicant could have calculated and arrived at a conclusion.

The criteria and weightage by the Committee places strong emphasis on the applicant’s years of experience, the perspectives of the courses or short term training that the applicant has completed, the roles and responsibilities plus scope of work the applicant is involved in along with the applicant’s formal education records. The Committee’s consideration will also include the above and events attended by the applicant in the evaluation towards the granting of the CPCE points. Thereafter, the Committee will provide an advisory note on the status of the application and if it is an approval the designation will also be suggested to the applicant who can then proceed to accept the CCSD award granted and pay the appropriate fee valid for three (3) years from the date of the certificate being issued.

The above self assessment is your personal evaluation to ascertain which Tier you qualify. You can now proceed to send this self assessment with a copy of all the necessary documents of proof attached with your email and send it to As mentioned in the onset of this document, the CCSD Committee’s discretion in granting of the CPCE points though confined within the  8 criteria parameters as shown above may differ from your own self assessment.

The CCSD Certification and Credentialing Committee will assess and provide you an answer within 14 days on the proposed qualifying designation and credential.

The admin executive via email: will provide the applicant with the guidance to your next onward action regarding the certification fee payment and the payment gateway to use and proceed towards securing the CCSD Professional Designated Credential. The applicant will be given 3 choices and to decide their favoured choice. Thereafter the applicant reverts as their final acceptance to be granted the CCSD Professional Designated Credential. During this decision process the applicant also pays the appropriate fee as stipulated for the Tier that the applicant qualifies. (please refer to the CCSD Designated Credential Self Assessment

(Clarified) for the corresponding fee which will also be stipulated in the mail from CCSD Council).

Guidance Note

CCSD Professional Designated Credentialing

Please refer to the following 4 document concurrently to get a full perspective to the CCSD Professional Designated Credential;

These four (4) Documents mentioned herein below need to be referred to fully understand the recognition, granting of the CCSD Credential Awards, criteria for the assessment to the CCSD Awards, process to the cumulative of Continuous Professional Capacity Enhancement (CPCE) points, a guideline and clarification on how an applicant can secure the points to be awarded the CCSD Professional Designated Credential and a self assessment template that allows the applicant to self evaluate on which tier they qualify for, and finally thereafter, apply for the desired CCSD Professional Designated Credential Award according to the total CPCE points cumulated. The documents are:

A.CCSD Professional Designated Credentialing

This document provides a complete overview introduction on the CCSD Professional Designated Credential. It also outlines on how CCSD Council grants the Professional Designated Credentials the application process, clarification on the credentialing validation fee,, the areas assessed by the Committee for Certification and Credentialing and the final submission process for the consideration of the CCSD Professional Designated Credential.

 B. CCSD Professional Designated Credential Awards

This document herein explained above clarifies the two mandatory criteria two mandatory criteria: Mandatory Qualifying Total Cumulative CPCE Points for CCSD Professional Award and

Mandatory Qualifying Work Experience (years) for CCSD Professional Award followed by four (4) clarified examples of CCSD Awards granted.

C. CCSD Designated Credential Self Assessment (Clarified)

This document provides a complete guideline on how an applicant can do a self-assessment and evaluate on which Tier Level of CCSD Professional Designated Credential Awards one qualifies. The eight (8) areas of assessment are fully explained and provided in a Table format for easy understanding on the CPCE points awarded as well as the CCSD Awards Cut-off Points, Validity and Credentialing Fee.

 D. Credential Eligibility Self Assessment Template

This Eligibility Self Assessment template herein provided is for the self assessment by the individual applicant towards identifying which CCSD Professional Designated Credential Tier the applicant qualifies for and what specialization they desire the credentialing to be in. Subsequent to the self-assessment, the applicant can use the completed template with the associated supporting documents for each criteria and send it to for the official consideration towards the CCSD Professional Designated Credential Award.

For all enquiries related to professional designated credentialing, please contact the CCSD Officer in-charge via: You will be guided accordingly on the process and documents that need to be sent for the final assessment and evaluation of your experience, consideration of CPCE points for the certificates of formal and continuous education you have completed, and the proposed professional designation and category based on the assessment.

    We focus on accreditation and certification of training programs, recognise continuous professional capacity enhancement by offering certified designated credentialing and consistently share strategic insights, new wave technologies and latest industrial development.


    Convergence Certification and Skill Development Council
    Belehradska 858/23 Prague 2, 120 00
    Czech Republic

    Munies Pillai - Secretary General
    +6012 3242 885
    +65 8747 8735


    +420 257 325 117
    Working Hours - 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CET)

