Compliant to ISO 17024:2012

CCSD Council Training Provider

CCSD Council Training Provider – Registration and Validation

Preamble _

The CCSD Council welcomes individual trainers, professional instructors, training consultants, learning enterprises, training companies,  corporate training providers, training consultants, educational training institutions, professional training fraternities, and specialized training providers of associations to index as the CCSD Council Registered Training Providers. The Council aspires to validate and register Training Providers and subsequently provide accreditation to all registered and validated Training Providers to deliver cutting-edge training programs and courses which are geared towards professional skills and competency enhancement.

The Council is committed to ascertaining, distinguishing validating, and certifying quality training providers and their training programs. The Board of Eminence of the CCSD Council first validates and registers Training providers, then, meticulously monitors and scrutinizes the design, quality, objectives, outcomes, methodology, and content of training programs and material submitted by Training Providers to be approved by the CCSD Council accreditation and certification as meeting the prescribed standards and quality.

Registration and Validation of Training Provider

The Programs and Courses of Training Providers accepted for

  • validation and accreditation towards certification by the CCSD Council will have to meet, comply and prescribe to the terms and conditions stipulated by the CCSD Council’s Board of Eminence. Every Program or Course submitted by Training Providers is fully reviewed to ensure that it meets the industry quality demand, reliability of the program, and creditability of relevance to the participants who take the programs as well as meets the current and new wave requirements of the industry, business vertical or economic sector.
  • As such the initial value of the Training provider is ascertained and established as being able and in compliance with the CCSD Council requirements to deliver training and all individual trainers, professional instructors, training consultants, learning enterprises, training companies,  corporate training consultants, corporate training providers, educational training institutions, professional training fraternities, and specialized training providers of associations will first need to be registered with the CCSD Council and thereafter submit their training programs and courses for accreditation.
  • The CCSD Council will NOT accredit any Program or Course of Training Providers that leads to a Diploma or Degree as these are programs instrumented by registered institutions, patented and copyrighted training programs published and offered by Colleges and Universities of respective countries. The CCSD Council’s  validated, approved, and certified programs are that which enhance current expertise, increase knowledge, enable capabilities, heighten competencies, and improve the efficiency of attending participants. As such short courses, micro rapid training programs, non-diploma, and non-degree programs (1 – 10 days training programs) are considered for assessment, approval, and accreditation by the CCSD Council.
  • The CCSD Council directs the participants of Training Providers to the Continuous Professional Capacity Enhancement  (CPCE) Points and provides guidelines for their accredited certificates towards CCSD Council credential designations of Certified Specialist, Certified Expert, Certified Professional, Certified Consultant, and Certified Eminence in their respective professional field of expertise. These CPCE Points are accumulated to meet the required quantum of Points for the progression and development from a Certified Specialist right up to the highest level of Certified Eminence.
  • Training Providers are required to first go through the process of being a registered and validated Training Provider with the CCSD Council. This is to certify that the Training Provider has met all the prerequisites as required of being validated as a CCSD Council Training Provider and herein issue the CCSD Council Certificate of Approved Training Provider. This is a one-time registration, no renewal is required but their accredited training courses and programs must be current and relevant.
  • Training Providers are required to develop Course materials and content by a Subject Matter Expert (SMT) from within or associated with their company. Training Providers are required to declare that the Course material is authenticated as being unprecedented and original, accurate and complete in terms of technicality, content, and quality of presentation.
  • Training Providers will declare and assure that they did not submit copied or plagiarised material for accreditation. The CCSD Council herein indemnifies themselves of such wrongful copy or plagiarism.  If proven that such was a submission for accreditation, the registration of the Training Provider will be cancelled and terminated from The CCSD Council accreditation and thereafter will not be allowed to be CCSD Council validated or accredited
  • The originality and novelty of the material must be conveyed by Training Provider or their appointed expert. A signed document ascertaining the authenticity of the course content being original must be submitted by the course/program developer of the Training Providers. Further to this, the Training Provider is required to submit a letter to indemnify The CCSD Council against any form of legal action or dispute regarding the originality of the training material
  • The Training Provider must provide evidence that they have the necessary expert or competent trainer (trainer profile) to deliver the program. The trainer can be the Training Provider’s employee or contracted by the Training Provider to conduct the training. If the content of the training material is exclusive to the trainer, then the submission for accreditation will not be accepted by the Board of Eminence of The CCSD Council if it is by someone else or another organization.
  • The CCSD Council would also require proof that the Trainer of the Training Providers has the necessary qualification, expertise, and appropriate level of competency, experience, and knowledge to be the qualified trainer for the training program of the Training Provider. The methodology for the training program: be it theory or practical and the course schedule for each day and contents to it must be submitted during the accreditation process.
  • As a norm, the minimum hours of training per day of the program of the Training Providers must be 6.5 hours of training time which could include lectures, practical work, discussion, and presentation. For this purpose, the CCSD Council does not recognize tests/exams, break time, meals, opening and closing ceremonies as part of the 6.5 hours of learning time
  • The CCSD Council may impose the requirement for a full preview of the course material of Training Providers but for the process of accreditation, suffice it would be for the Board of Eminence to only receive the course modules and clarification to it.
  • The CCSD Council Committee, responsible for Accreditation approval would evaluate the Course Brochure of the Training Providers which must have the following format abided to:  Course Objectives, Target Audience, Target Businesses, Course Outcome, Next Progression, and Full program of the Training: duration, Content titles, modules, chapters, Training Fee and The Trainer Profile.
  • All accredited Training Programs of Training Providers will be validated by the CCSD Council upon request by any third party but with the written consent and approval of the Training provider to disclose such information.  Registered Training Providers may carry the CCSD Council logo on all their marketing material related and specific to the accredited program only and not as a blanket use of the CCSD Council logo for any other purposes. All participants who are attending such an accredited program are mandatory to attend the test/exam administered by The CCSD Council if any of such tests or exams are introduced for the completion of the training program
  • The participants of Training providers who meet both the attendance and exam passing requirements will be issued the digitally accredited training program certificate directly from the CCSD Council. The CCSD Council’s finance department will inform the training records and stipulated payments to the training providers
  • This right to accreditation is exclusive to the Training Provider and is not transferrable to any third party and only to the course title and related content for which the CCSD Council has authorized and approved the Training Provider and given the accreditation.
  • The CCSD Council welcomes and does not exclude any other Training Provider from submitting courses in the same or similar area or scope of training except that the same course title, content, modules, and chapters will not be allowed for the accreditation by another Training Provider until written authorization is given by the original accredited Training provider.
  • This document of validation to the Training Provider is inclusive of all the contents above from Pages 1 to 6 and inclusive of this page. In any situation, if the Training Provider contravenes, breaches, violates, infringes, or disregards the stipulated clauses and conditions, then the CCSD Council would revoke the validation of the Training Provider effectively.
  • Acting for and on behalf of the CCSD Council, the Secretary-General would officially welcome and include the validated Training Provider as a registered and validated Training Provider of the CCSD Council. The official letter and Certificate of the CCSD Council confirming the registered status will be issued to the Training Provider.
  • The above prescriptive guidance notes are prerequisites that training providers need to abide by to be registered and validated as The CCSD Council Training Provider. We invite you to submit your application to be included as a Training Provider recognized by the CCSD Council. This is a privileged opportunity to have the CCSD
  • Council recognition for yourself as Training Provider or your organization as a corporate training provider and the avenue to receive accreditation for your training programs.
  • The CCSD Council is the doorway to international distinction for you, your organization, and your training product. We look forward to enlisting you in our prestigious recognition as an international provider of training in every field, every business vertical, or every economic sector.

For all enquiries related to accreditation process, CPCE Points, individual training completion certificate and certification, please contact the CCSD Officer in-charge via: You will be guided accordingly on the due process for accreditation of your training programs, the issuance of the accreditation letter of recognition, the CPCE Points accorded and the individual personal certificates to each participant who completes such accredited programs.


Welcome to The CCSD Council.

    We focus on accreditation and certification of training programs, recognise continuous professional capacity enhancement by offering certified designated credentialing and consistently share strategic insights, new wave technologies and latest industrial development.


    Convergence Certification and Skill Development Council
    Belehradska 858/23 Prague 2, 120 00
    Czech Republic

    Munies Pillai - Secretary General
    +6012 3242 885
    +65 8747 8735


    +420 257 325 117
    Working Hours - 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CET)

