Compliant to ISO 17024:2012

A. CCSD Professional Designated Credentialing

CCSD Professional Designated Credentialing

How CCSD Grants the Designated Credentials

One of the central themes embedded within the vision, mission and goals of the CCSD Council is recognition and acceptance of Continuous Professional Capacity Enhancement (CPCE) of individual applicants (professionals, competent workers and skilled craftsmen) coming from 144 different Economic Sector spread across 133 Occupational Divisions (refer to the drop down from the top banner of this website for more information on the Economic Sectors and Occupational Divisions in documents: CCSD Council 144 Economic Sectors and CCSD Council 133 Occupational Divisions). The CPCE of CCSD Council opens up thousands of individual roles, responsibilities, occupation titles, jobs as well as scope of  work eligible to apply for CCSD Council’s Professional Designated Credential.

CCSD Council aims to acknowledge continuous skilling, upskilling and reskilling of individuals along with recognition of short term training, courses, attendance at seminars, symposiums, conventions, summits, conferences and profession related membership, licensing and related events acquired by individuals. CCSD Council also accepts consideration of an individual’s contribution in the form of articles, write-ups, crafting of training modules, training delivery and speaker position at events towards the process of evaluating, assessing and eventually granting the appropriate CCSD Professional Designated Credential by the CCSD Committee for Certification and Credentialing.

Application Process

The applicant is open to all individuals who in the first place MUST be a member of CCSD Council The CCSD membership (please refer to categories of CCSD Membership in the drop down: CCSD Council Membership and the 7 categories to decide which iis most appropriate for yourself). The CCSD membership is a mandatory requirement towards the use of your member privilege consideration for the granting of CCSD Professional Designated Credential award. The applicant then refers to the CPCE points guidelines and does a self-assessment to qualify their eligibility (D. Credential Eligibility Self Assessment Template) towards the category they qualify among the various levels of the CCSD Professional Designated Credentials. The applicant may follow the guidelines and indicators provided in [(C. CCSD Designated Credential Self Assessment (Clarified)] which allows them to accrue the specified CPCE points and accumulate it to a total point score which will determine the category of one of the 5 levels (Specialist, Professional, Expert, Consultant, Eminence) which CCSD Council grants to the applicant.

If and when, the applicant is satisfied and wishes to proceed based on their self assessment, they may thereafter compile and upload or attach all their formal education certificates (diploma, bachelors, masters, PhD and/or Doctorate), occupational experience (which chronologically starts from their current job to all their past experiences as testimony of their involvement in the job scope, role or responsibility), all other certificates or attendance or completion of training and any other qualification, license, membership and credentials or recognition received by the applicant which will confirm the area/areas of expertise towards the award of CPCE points and send to for consideration towards the evaluation and assessment by the CCSD Committee for Certification and Credentialing receive the approval and proposed level of CCSD Designated Credential. The applicant can then proceed to make the necessary payment to officially receive the CCSD Designated Credential Certificate in their name valid for a period of 3 years as specified in the certificate. This certificate can be downloaded or the applicant may use their member privilege to secure and receive an authentic certified hardcopy of the original certificate with the CCSD seal and authorized signatory therein.


The full fee for each category of the CCSD Council designated credential is shown in [(C. CCSD Designated Credential Self Assessment (Clarified)]. The CCSD Committee for Certification and Credentialing assessment of an applicant’s presented documents towards any of this category of designated credential is FREE of charge.   The total fee payable as clarified in Document C is payable only after an accessing approval of the CCSD Committee for Certification and Credentialing is sent to the applicant with the proposed designated credential based on the CPCE points achieved.

The fee paid is valid for 3 years and is non-refundable. The CCSD Committee for Certification and Credentialing will advise the CCSD Council’s administration to issue a certificate as testimony of acknowledgment and endorsement with regards to this certified designated credential to the approved applicant. The certificate will show the designation awarded, validity with expiry date, the acronym to the credential which can be carried with the name of the applicant throughout the validity period and thereafter subject to renewal or a new application submitted for upgrading to the next level.

The fundamental and primarily basic criteria towards granting of one of the CCSD Designated Credential award are;

  1. Formal education (certificate, diploma, basic degree, masters, PhD, Doctorate) which the applicant has undergone and completed successfully and obtained such award and  endorsement from an academy, a college or an university. It can be one of these awarded achievements or more than one or all. It can be from whichever year obtained by the applicant. A copy or copies of this award/awards must be submitted for the assessment. Each of these accomplishments has different awards of CPCE points as shown in the drop down document: C. CCSD Designated Credential Self Assessment (Clarified) – Table 1
  2. Career experience exemplifying p[osition held, expertise acquired in relation to the years of experience in any of the Economic Sector in reference to one of the related Occupational Divisions with the applicant’s occupation focused on the roles, responsibilities and scope of job in a particular area of expertise or skill throughout their career experience. The applicant must list and submit their career experience (job title, organization where they worked and a summary or their scope of job and the number of years in that respective role). Each category of years of experience has different awards of CPCE points as shown in the drop down document: C. CCSD Designated Credential Self Assessment (Clarified) – Table 2.
  3. Certificate of Attendance, Certificate of Completion or Certificate of Competency of any and all short term trainings (a minimum of 1 day/7 hours to any training above 10 days/70 hours or more)  attended by the applicant (online or face to face) within the last 3 years can be submitted for consideration of the CCSD Designated Credential. Each of the minimum days and hours of training attended, completed or accomplished has different awards of CPCE points as shown in the drop down document: C. CCSD Designated Credential Self Assessment (Clarified) – Table  3.
  4. Attendance as a participant at seminars, symposiums, conventions, summits, conferences, congress, forums, dialogue, conclaves colloquiums, and profession or fraternity related events wherein a certificate of attendance was issued by the organizer / host and attended (online or face to face) by the applicant within the last 3 years can be submitted for consideration of the CCSD Designated Credential. The number of days/hours attended, completed or accomplished has different awards of CPCE points as shown in the drop down document: C. CCSD Designated Credential Self Assessment (Clarified) – Table 4
  5. Attendance as a keynote speaker, speaker, panelist, moderator or facilitator at seminars, symposiums, conventions, summits, conferences, congress, forums, dialogue, conclaves colloquiums, and profession or fraternity related events wherein a certificate or plaque of recognition, acknowledgement or appreciation was issued by the organizer / host to the applicant within the last 3 years can be submitted for consideration of the CCSD Designated Credential. The number of days/hours attended, completed or accomplished has different awards of CPCE points as shown in the drop down document: C. CCSD Designated Credential Self Assessment (Clarified) – Table 5
  6. Certificate of professional membership or practicing license acquired by individuals from their professional fraternity wherein a certificate was issued by the fraternity or association to the applicant within the last 3 years can be submitted for consideration of the CCSD Designated Credential. Such certificate of professional membership or practicing license has different awards of CPCE points as shown in the drop down document: C. CCSD Designated Credential Self Assessment (Clarified) – Table 6
  7. Articles and/or books written by the applicant and published online or hardcopy or appeared in magazines, newsletters, forums and journals or in any other formal or form of publication and release for public reading by the applicant within the last 3 years can be submitted for consideration of the CCSD Designated Credential. Such published content has different awards of CPCE points as shown in the drop down document: C. CCSD Designated Credential Self Assessment (Clarified) – Table 7.
  8. Training crafted and conducted by the applicant as either the primary or secondary trainer within the last 3 years can be submitted for consideration of the CCSD Designated Credential. A brochure authenticating the Trainer profile and the areas the applicant taught or lectured can be used as proof. Such trainer status has different awards of CPCE points as shown in the drop down document: C. CCSD Designated Credential Self Assessment (Clarified) – Table 8
  9. Any other submission which the applicant considers would support and facilitate the consideration towards the assessment and granting of the awards by the CCSD Committee for Certification and Credentialing can be submitted by the applicant.

The CCSD Committee for Certification and Credentialing during the process of examining, assessing and validating the authenticity of the documents in evaluation may contact the applicant with request for further clarification or proof to enhance their credibility to be awarded the related CCSD Professional Designated Credential.

The submission of all the above items which has been clarified above (1 to 8) must be sent via email to with the email titled “CCSD Professional Designated Credential Award”. The administrative executive in charge of this area will liaise, communicate and facilitate the process thereafter with the CCSD Committee for Certification and Credentialing. The admin in-charge will be responsible for all communication related to this matter with the applicant. The entire process upon receipt of application, assessment and approval will take a maximum of 14 days and in some cases may be more if further classification is sought.

The categories or consideration and the level of CPCE points as well as the qualifying CPCE points par for each of these awards has been determined and at the exclusive rights and privilege of CCSD Committee for Certification Credentialing and endorsed by the CCSD Board of Eminence. The directive towards consistency in the  evaluation process and granting of approval to the CCSD Designated Credential Award to the CCSD Committee for Certification and Credentialing is the complete independent autonomy and discretion of the CCSD Board of Eminence.

Guidance Note

CCSD Professional Designated Credentialing

Please refer to the following 4 document concurrently to get a full perspective to the CCSD Professional Designated Credential;

These four (4) Documents mentioned herein below need to be referred to fully understand the recognition, granting of the CCSD Credential Awards, criteria for the assessment to the CCSD Awards, process to the cumulative of Continuous Professional Capacity Enhancement (CPCE) points, a guideline and clarification on how an applicant can secure the points to be awarded the CCSD Professional Designated Credential and a self assessment template that allows the applicant to self evaluate on which tier they qualify for, and finally thereafter, apply for the desired CCSD Professional Designated Credential Award according to the total CPCE points cumulated. The documents are:

A.CCSD Professional Designated Credentialing

This document herein explained above provides a complete overview introduction on the CCSD Professional Designated Credential. It also outlines on how CCSD Council grants the Professional Designated Credentials the application process, clarification on the credentialing validation fee,, the areas assessed by the Committee for Certification and Credentialing and the final submission process for the consideration of the CCSD Professional Designated Credential.

B. CCSD Professional Designated Credential Awards

This document clarifies the two mandatory criteria:: Mandatory Qualifying Total Cumulative CPCE Points for CCSD Professional Award and Mandatory Qualifying Work Experience (years) for CCSD Professional Award followed by four (4) clarified examples of CCSD Awards granted.

C. CCSD Designated Credential Self Assessment (Clarified)

This document provides a complete guideline on how an applicant can do a self-assessment and evaluate on which Tier Level of CCSD Professional Designated Credential Awards one qualifies. The eight (8) areas of assessment are fully explained and provided in a Table format for easy understanding on the CPCE points awarded as well as the CCSD Awards Cut-off Points, Validity and Credentialing Fee.

D. Credential Eligibility Self Assessment Template

This template is for the self assessment by the individual applicant towards identifying which CCSD Professional Designated Credential Tier the applicant qualifies for and what specialization they desire the credentialing to be in. Subsequent to the self-assessment, the applicant can use the completed template with the associated supporting documents for each criteria and send it to for the official consideration towards the CCSD Professional Designated Credential Award.

For all enquiries related to professional designated credentialing, please contact the CCSD Officer in-charge via: You will be guided accordingly on the process and documents that need to be sent for the final assessment and evaluation of your experience, consideration of CPCE points for the certificates of formal and continuous education you have completed, and the proposed professional designation and category based on the assessment.

    We focus on accreditation and certification of training programs, recognise continuous professional capacity enhancement by offering certified designated credentialing and consistently share strategic insights, new wave technologies and latest industrial development.


    Convergence Certification and Skill Development Council
    Belehradska 858/23 Prague 2, 120 00
    Czech Republic

    Munies Pillai - Secretary General
    +6012 3242 885
    +65 8747 8735


    +420 257 325 117
    Working Hours - 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CET)

