Compliant to ISO 17024:2012

Economic Sectors

CCSD Council – Economic Sectors

“The CCSD Council 144 Economic Sector draws its foundation from The International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO), a key global categorization overseen by the International Labour Organisation. It falls under the worldwide spectrum of economic and social classifications, with its primary objectives being the facilitation of international reporting, comparison, and exchange of statistical and administrative data concerning occupations. Additionally, it functions as a system directly applicable in nations lacking their own national classifications.

The existing economic sectorl classification within the CCSD Council is established and linked with the ISCO – 08 version. It’s crucial to understand that the economic sector classification does not define job scope, occupational titles, or roles. Instead, it serves as a sectoral classification which can be projectd into occupational divisions. Professionals can pinpoint their job scope within this framework, aligning it with their job title. The CCSD Council 144 economic sectors encompass: [List of sectors as below].”

  • Aerospace
  • Aging Services
  • Agriculture
  • AgriTech
  • Air Transportation
  • Augmented Reality
  • Automotive
  • Automotive
  • Automotive
  • Banking
  • Biomedical
  • Biopharmaceuticals
  • Biotechnology
  • Biotechnology
  • Biotechnology
  • Blockchain
  • Broadcasting
  • Business
  • Business Continuity
  • Charities
  • Chemicals
  • Civil Works
  • Clothing & Apparel
  • Communication
  • Construction
  • Construction
  • Consultancy
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Consumer Goods
  • Courier
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Cybersecurity
  • Defence
  • Design
  • Digital Authentication
  • Digital Identity
  • Digital Marketing
  • Digital Payment
  • Disaster Management
  • E-commerce
  • Education
  • Elder Care
  • Electric Aviation
  • Electric Generation
  • Energy
  • Engineering
  • Environmental Services
  • Exploration
  • Fashion
  • Fashion and Apparel
  • Film & Television
  • Finance
  • Financial technology
  • FinTech
  • Fire
  • Fishing
  • Forestry
  • Forestry & Logging
  • Forwarding
  • Gaming & Entertainment
  • Genetic engineering
  • Genomic Medicine
  • Government
  • Healthcare
  • Healthcare
  • Hospitality
  • Hospitality
  • HR Tech
  • Human Resources
  • Information Technology
  • Insurance
  • Intelligence
  • Investment services
  • Legal
  • Lifestyle
  • Logistics
  • Manufacturing
  • Manufacturing
  • Marine
  • Media
  • Medical
  • Mental Health
  • Metaverse
  • Military
  • Mining
  • Mining and Minerals
  • Nanomaterials
  • Nanomedicine
  • Non-profit & NGOs
  • Oil & Gas
  • Online Banking
  • Online Retail
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Politics
  • Precision Medicine
  • Property
  • Public administration
  • Public Services
  • Publishing
  • Quarrying
  • Rail Transportation
  • Real Estate
  • Real Estate
  • Recycling
  • Renewable Energy
  • Renewable Energy
  • Renewable Fuels
  • Research & Development
  • Resilience
  • Retail
  • Road Transportation
  • Robotic
  • Robotics
  • Science Security
  • Sea Transportation
  • Smart Cities
  • Social Care
  • Solar Energy
  • Space Tourism
  • Sport
  • Sustainable Agriculture
  • Technology
  • Telecommunications
  • Telehealth
  • Telemedicine
  • Tidal & Geothermal
  • Tourism
  • Training
  • Transport
  • Transportation
  • Utilities (WEG)
  • Veterinary
  • Virtual
  • Virtual Reality
  • Waste Mgmt
  • Water Technology
  • Well-being
  • Wellness
  • Wholesale
  • Wind Energy

    We focus on accreditation and certification of training programs, recognise continuous professional capacity enhancement by offering certified designated credentialing and consistently share strategic insights, new wave technologies and latest industrial development.


    Convergence Certification and Skill Development Council
    Belehradska 858/23 Prague 2, 120 00
    Czech Republic

    Munies Pillai - Secretary General
    +6012 3242 885
    +65 8747 8735


    +420 257 325 117
    Working Hours - 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CET)

