Compliant to ISO 17024:2012

Professional Digital Marketing Certification

Professional Digital Marketing Certification

Proposed modules
  1. 1
    Day 1 - Principles of Digital Marketing
    •  Introduction to digital marketing
    • The digital media P.O.E
    • The rise of the digital consumer
    • The 3 C’s of digital marketing
  2. 2
    Day 2 - Social Media
    • Introduction to Social Media
    • Making the Message Stick and Spread
    • Social Media Channels
    • Listening and Reputation Management
    • Integrating Social Media with Other Disciplines
  3. 3
    Day 3 - Coaching Session #1
  4. 4
    Day 4 - Content Marketing
    • Introduction to Content Marketing
    • Content Marketing Strategy
    • Content Marketing Tactics
    • Measurement and Budget
  5. 5
    Day 5 - Mobile Marketing
    • Introduction to Mobile Marketing
    • Mobile Products and Services
    • Mobile Advertising
    • Rules and Regulations
  6. 6
    Day 6 - Mobile Marketing
    • What is your personal brand?
    • 4-step process for online success
      • Determining your niche
      • Identifying your authentic voice
      • Developing consistency
      • Creating an optimisation plan
  7. 7
    Day 7 - Coaching Session #2
  8. 8
    Day 8 - Building your Content
    • Content is king and video content is the emperor
    • How do we create content?
    • Best practices that we can learn from
    • Tools to create
  9. 9
    Day 9 - Coaching Session #3
  10. 10
    Day 10 - Marketing Automation
    • Introduction to Marketing Automation
    • Lead Capture and Nurture
    • Automated Campaigns
    • Improving Customer Life cycle
  11. 11
    Day 11 - PROMOTE - Marketing your Content
    • Social media marketing best practices
    • Google Ads tips for success
    • Building a tribe and community
  12. 12
    Day 12 - Coaching Session #4
  13. 13
    Day 13 - OPTIMISE - Track, Learn & Improve
    • Data is the bedrock of all things digital
    • Learn the basics of data analysis
    • Improve content or marketing based on information received
  14. 14
    Day 14 - Coaching Session #5
  15. 15
    Day 15 - Emerging Digital Marketing Trends
    • TikTok marketing strategies that work
    • Case studies
    • Tools and Tips
  16. 16
    Day 16 - Coaching Session #6
  17. 17
    Day 17 - Going online via facebook ads
  18. 18
    Day 20 - Going online via organic strategy #2
  19. 19
    Day 18 - Going online via google ads
  20. 20
    Day 19 - Going online via organic strategy #1

Participants will be evaluated based on project work and multiple-choice questions.

Yes I’m Interested

    We focus on accreditation and certification of training programs, recognise continuous professional capacity enhancement by offering certified designated credentialing and consistently share strategic insights, new wave technologies and latest industrial development.


    Convergence Certification and Skill Development Council
    Belehradska 858/23 Prague 2, 120 00
    Czech Republic

    Munies Pillai - Secretary General
    +6012 3242 885
    +65 8747 8735


    +420 257 325 117
    Working Hours - 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CET)

